Industry Partner Opportunities with ISPE

ISPE is the premier Indiana state organization that promotes and defends the practice of professional engineering. The Society represents over 13,000 professional engineers licensed in the State of Indiana.

Our Members

A significant percentage of members are owners or top managers in consulting firms throughout the state. ISPE represents key infrastructure owners and decision makers in all counties, local governments, public works & highway departments, and sanitary districts. Indiana PEs are in design consulting, construction, manufacturing, utilities, public works, state & federal agencies, and colleges & universities.

Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities

Educational Webinar Sponsorship

Get your name, company, product, and logo in front of ISPE members through sponsorship of our quarterly webinars.  Offered once each quarter, timely topics alternate between technical presentations and the business of engineering. Exclusive sponsorship - one sponsor per webinar.

Benefits include company logo in marketing communication, reminder messages to registrants, company name and logo displayed at the beginning of the webinar, and verbal recognition during the webinar.

Price: $250 / Webinar
Logo Format:  .jpg or .png

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Indiana Professional Engineering Journal (IPEJ) Advertising

IPEJ is published as a PDF every two months, posted to the ISPE website, delivered to all ISPE contacts via email, and linked from the IN Professional Licensing Agency Newsletter sent to all engineers registered in the State of Indiana. It delivers key ISPE news, upcoming event announcements, licensure and advocacy updates, as well as guest articles impacting the practice and business of engineering. All advertisers featured in a specific issue of IPEJ may include their company logo in the e-blast sent by ISPE to all contacts.

Size Dimensions Price Per Issue Annual Run
Full Page 7.5 x 10 inches $300 $1,500
Half Page 7.5 x 5 inches $225 $1,125
Quarter Page 3.25 x 5 inches $175 $875




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Annual Conference Sponsorships

Details will be available soon.