
Through its government relations efforts, NSPE projects a powerful voice advocating the interests of the engineering profession on the National and State level. Resources available in the NSPE Advocacy Center allow members to contact legislators and track legislation of interest to them as engineers. ISPE represents the interests of the 13,000 registered Indiana PEs with the Indiana General Assembly, the Professional Licensing Agency and across the state.

Licensure Under Attack

The debate over the role of government in regulating occupations and professions has recently come to the forefront. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, occupational licensing directly affects nearly 30% of U.S. workers. Barbers, cosmetologists, florists, interior designers, naturopaths, manicurists … and the list goes on.

While the work of professional engineers—like that of doctors, registered architects, and attorneys—clearly affects the public health, safety, and welfare, it is not uncommon for state legislatures to categorize highly educated and trained PEs with barbers and cosmetologists in the debate over eliminating occupational licenses. 

ISPE is proud to support the work of the Alliance for Responsible Professional Licensing (ARPL) through NSPE. ARPL promotes a responsible, balanced approach to professional licensing with the aim to educate policymakers and the public on the importance of protecting rigorous licensing for professionals with high public impact. 

ISPE appreciates all who take the time to contact your Senators and Representatives.